Ukrainian Orphanage Relief
Our mission is to help the orphaned youth of Ukraine by renovating and repairing their facilities. We are dedicated to giving the Orphans a home that is free from disease and filth. We hope that by providing a safe place to grow up. we are enabling them to develop into healthy productive adults. The state of orphanages in Ukraine is horrible. Heat, water, and food are things we take for granted. In Ukraine, resources are limited and with a weak economy, funding is sorely needed for the Orphanages. Without money, the result is living conditions worse than those in most humane shelters in the USA. This is a travesty for humanity, and we at Mission-Ukraine are committed to the children of Ukraine.
News and Updates
Sponsor Larry Glass has just returned on a week long trip to Kremenchug. His trip was spent checking on the progress of the building for the church and school. He also checked up on the orphanages and assessed their current needs. More information will be posted.
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