Mission-Ukraine: Ukrainian Orphanage Relief

Hickory College Church of Christ

The Hickory College Church of Christ is located in the southwestern section of Metcalfe County about 4 miles north of Summer Shade,Kentucky on Hwy. 640. Located in a rural community, the church is the center of many activities such as weddings, funerals, celebrations, etc. Attendance for Sunday worship averages around 100. In addition to supporting the work in Ukraine, the church supports mission work in Nigeria and eastern Kentucky. On Sunday morning, the church meetsat 9:30 AM for Sunday School, 10:30AM for worship and 6:00 PM on Sunday night. Midweek Bible study is held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday night.

Short History of Hickory College Church

The Hickory College community is located about 4 miles north of Summer Shade, Kentucky on Hwy. 640. Since the Hickory College School, a one-room rural school, was in a central location in the community, it became the obvious place for the citizens to have meetings of various kinds. Around the turn of the century, the community started to hold church services, gospel meetings and singings at the school house. About 1905, Bro. Hardy Woodward of the Church of Christ held a two week gospel meeting in the Hickory College School. Other groups also held church services there. Around 1920, a grove meeting was held in the woods by Bro.Willie Emberton. For a time after that , the Church of Christ started to hold regular services. In 1920-21 , a new school building was to be constructed at Hickory College so one of the trustees asked the Metcalfe County school superintendent to build the school a little larger so church services could be held in it. However , interest died and members went to Pleasant Hill Church of Christ nearby. During the 1930's, church services were once again held due to s singing school taught by Gill Harbison. The doors of the Hickory College Church of Christ have not failed to open since that time. By the 1940's, the school house became too small to accommodate the members with seating and lighting was poor.  During the July or August gospel meetings, the attendance  out grew the capacity of the building.  At that time the congregation started plans for the construction  of a church building.  Beginning in 1942, donations from the first Sunday in each month were set aside for the building  fund.  During March, 1943, several members purchased war bonds with the understanding that the proceeds were to go to the new building.  In 1947, the new building as started.  About one year after the foundation was laid, church services were  held in the new building.  Over the years, additions have been made to the building such as classrooms, addition to the auditorium, a baptistery, and restrooms.    In the summer of 1963, a Vacation Bible School was started.   From that time forward, a VBS has been held each summer at Hickroy College with classes for all ages.    In addition to the work in Ukraine, the church supports mission work in Nigeria and Eastern Kentucky.  Regular Sunday visits are made by members to the patients in the hospitals and nursing homes.    Monthly activities are planned for the young and old alike to have  fellowship with with brothers and sisters in Christ.







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