Refuge Church of Christ, also known as Eighty-Eight, was established in ... Refuge is located on the Barren Co - Metcalf Co. boarder, and has members from all over the area. ---more to come
A group from Refuge, Hickory College and Columbia Avenue Churches of Christ have just returned from a mission trip to Ukraine. They delivered over $12,000 in money that had been donated by local churches and individuals to be used in the work with the various orphanages in Kremenchug. Ladies and gentlemen also taught in the orphanges and schools while there. Clint Harbison continued his stay for another two weeks to be able to teach Bible classes in the schools in the city. Although the temperature a about 10 to 20 degrees below zero at times, those who returned have a warm spot in the heart of the work in the Bible College, the churches, the orphanages and the people of Ukraine.